May 14, 2018

So first all, got to call home for mothers day so that was pretty awesome to see everyones faces and hear their voices. That was my last time calling home so the next time I see my fam it willl be iin person haha. Yeah so we had transfers and my comp, Elder Allred, left to a different city. So my new comp is Elder Martinez. So he´s from Mesa, AZ haha he went to Mesa High School small world. He´s pretty chill and is only in his 4 transfer so pretty new, but Im stoked to work with him, also to be able to talk about Arizona things. Also Im staying as district leader so thats alright I guess haha. So this week we had our multizone conference with our mission president. He talked about how we can improve working with members and how to be more efficient as missionaries so that was pretty cool. Then we interviews too which is like a spirtual buffet, so those like 5-10 minutes were super awesome to see how i can improve as a missionary. So Ana and Renan went to church yesterday. Ana has been an investigator from almost about 2 months and we were about to drop her because she had never been to church, she has been reading the BoM and praying but still hasnt received her answer  but shes super close. Renan we have only had 2 lessons but he has a date for 2 of June. He also came to church this Sunday and has been reading and praying too, so those 2 investigators are the ones that are progressing the most. We have a ton of other ones that are also progressing but as they start progressing more ill talk more about them. So this Saturday we knocked a door and this 20 year old kid came out and he let us come in to share a message, and he started asking questions like how are you sure there is a God and how do you know and he was saying he has been searching for God but he hasnt ever felt that he existed so he stop searching. So we were able to testify to him and give him a BoM. We shared Alma 30: 44 with him and invited him to read the BoM and pray so that was a cool experience also an experience that helped strengthen my testimony that God does exist. Well everything is all good out here. Just grindin away in the work of God haha, love you all!

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